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SCO & Vickar Establish New Scholarship Fund

October 14, 2020



ANISHINAABE AND DAKOTA TERRITORY, MB — Today, the Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) and Vickar Automotive Group are partnering to launch a $50,000 scholarship for First Nation students, called the Vickar Automotive Group Southern Chiefs’ Organization Educational Scholarship. Vickar Automotive contributed $25,000 which is being matched by SCO to establish the fund administered through the Winnipeg Foundation.

“Education is a key driver for creating lasting and positive change within our First Nation communities,” stated SCO Grand Chief Jerry Daniels. “I want to commend Larry Vickar for his leadership in the business community and beyond, his commitment to reconciliation, and his generosity in establishing scholarships to help create positive change and build a stronger tomorrow.”

“This is another step by my business group to lead in areas that are important to me and our community,” said Larry Vickar, of Vickar Automotive Group. “I’m proud that we can give life to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, and contribute to reconciliation and repairing the harm caused by residential schools. I look forward to watching the growth of the bright, young students who will benefit from this scholarship and the chance to further themselves, and who will have a more productive and fulfilling future because of the scholarships.”

Scholarships will be awarded annually to a student attending Yellowquill College and a student attending the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). The scholarship recipients must be a member of one of SCO’s 34 member First Nations. The recipients must also be active in their community, either contributing to their school community or the community-at-large.

“Sharing our gifts and giving back is a vital part of who we are as Anishinaabe and Dakota people,” said Grand Chief Daniels. “The potential of our youth is limitless, and helping them achieve their educational dreams is one of the top priorities of our southern Chiefs.”

“The Winnipeg Foundation is honoured to be working together with Southern Chiefs’ Organization and Vickar Automotive Group to help them fulfill their scholarship goals and commitment to truth and reconciliation, through education and community building,” said Winnipeg Foundation CEO Rick Frost.

Scholarship recipients will be chosen annually by Yellowquill College and MITT.

“It’s great to see Larry Vickar, a leader in the corporate community, with the vision and foresight to invest in our future,” added Grand Chief Daniels. “We hope others will follow Vickar Automotive Group’s lead and recognize the importance of not only giving back, but of supporting First Nation youth to reach their full potential.”

The scholarships are endowed, which means the funds are invested and earn annual interest which will provide support for the scholarships, every year.

Individuals can contribute to the fund on The Winnipeg Foundation website.

About SCO

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 34 First Nations in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.

About Yellowquill College

Since its founding in 1984 by the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Yellowquill College has always been a place of exciting opportunities and a learning environment that respects and understands the individual needs of its students. As a First Nation owned and operated post-secondary Institute, it offers students a quality and culturally relevant education, which, upon graduation, provides them with a springboard to promising employment.

About MITT

The Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology is a public post-secondary institution offering timely, cost-effective education and training for students to start, change, or advance in their careers and further their education. We are industry driven and student focused, delivering credentials through more than 25 programs in the areas of skilled trades, business and information technology, health care, and human services.


For Media Inquiries:

Vic Savino, Communications Officer, Southern Chiefs’ Organization
Winnipeg Sub-Office: (204) 946-1869 | Email:

LuAnn Lovlin, Director of Communications & Marketing
The Winnipeg Foundation E:  C: 204.781.9336

PDF Copy of Release: SCO Media Release – SCO Vickar Scholarship