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September 19, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2024

ANISHINAABE AND DAKOTA TERRITORY, MB — The Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) is taking Manitoba Hydro and the Government of Manitoba to court. Decades of poor decision-making and Hydro friendly regulation have left Lake Winnipeg, known traditionally as Weeniibiikiisagaygun, on life support. SCO is launching a Charter challenge, an unprecedented move in Canada, to have Lake Winnipeg declared a living entity with all the rights and protections that entails. 

“Weeniibiikiisagaygun has unselfishly kept people, animals, and fish alive for thousands of years. Now she is dying as Manitoba Hydro profits,” said SCO Grand Chief Jerry Daniels. “It is time for us all to stand up for Lake Winnipeg and say no more. We must change our ways to save her life.”

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization filed a statement of claim at the Court of King’s Bench this morning detailing how Manitoba Hydro and the Government of Manitoba have artificially controlled water levels and outflow of the Lake for decades, causing enormous and potentially irreparable harm. Wetlands are in decline, fish are sick, invasive species have arrived, and First Nations are denied inherent, Indigenous, and Treaty rights.

“Weeniibiikiisagaygun has a spirit, is sacred and is living. First Nations Knowledge Keepers, land users and rights holders tell us that Lake Winnipeg is suffering, and she is sick. Western scientists agree,” said Elder Mary Maytwayashing. “It is our responsibility to speak on behalf of Lake Winnipeg as she is unable to speak for herself. Her well-being is crucial to the health of current and future generations.’

For nearly 50 years, Manitoba Hydro has artificially controlled lake levels through the Lake Winnipeg Regulation (LWR) Project. Manitoba Hydro generates $3 billion in annual revenue by using the power of water to control lake levels with man-made infrastructures. Most Manitobans will be stunned to know that in almost 50 years of operation on Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba Hydro has never been required to conduct an environmental assessment to properly analyze the impact of its operations. SCO demands a proper environmental assessment be done, and First Nations must be at the table.

“Weeniibiikiisagaygun’s voice has never been heard by Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro. It is our sacred responsibility to support and stand up for her,” said Elder Robert Maytwayashing.

First Nations rights are being violated as Lake Winnipeg suffers at the hands of the government and Hydro. When fish die, fishers lose income and families lose nutritious food options. A healthy lake and its wetlands are needed for First Nation citizens to exercise inherent, Indigenous and Treaty rights such as fishing, hunting, and medicine picking.

“Lake Winnipeg provides me with sustenance, income, spiritual connection and pleasure. Sadly, I can see her dying from my home and from my boat,” said Elder Emery Stagg. “I see algae, including brown algae which is the worst color. When that algae moves in, fish and other species can’t survive anymore because there’s no more life.”

“A report by the Clean Environment Commission more than a decade ago found, among many shortfalls, that Manitoba Hydro did not properly consider environmental protection and climate change in its planning and operations,” said Grand Chief Jerry Daniels. “The improper management by Manitoba Hydro and the province is devasting to Lake Winnipeg and all the life she supports. Weeniibiikiisagaygun is sick, the wetlands are sick, the fish are sick. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to harvest food and traditional medicine. It’s time to make things right.”

In 2021 the Province of Manitoba, despite never conducting an environmental assessment, issued a final licence authorizing the LWR Project to remain in place until August 1, 2026. Manitoba Hydro has now applied under the Water Power Act to extend this final licence up to 50 additional years under its existing operating rules.

Joining SCO in the lawsuit are four water protectors, Elder Mary Maytwayashing, Elder Robert Maytwayashing, Elder Emery Stagg, and Knowledge Keeper Taylor Galvin. First Nations have always lived in harmony with the Lake; that harmony must be restored.

“Weeniibiikiisagaygun is our greatest teacher,” said Taylor Galvin, environmental scientist. “We are part of her, and she is part of us. Sadly, her spirit and health are slowly dissipating. We must listen to her as she carries a spirit and teachings.”

Manitoba Hydro cannot be trusted to protect the inherent rights and health of Lake Winnipeg. To continue forward without changes to protect Lake Winnipeg poses an existential threat to the survival, well-being, and ecological integrity of the lake.

To read the Lake Winnipeg Charter Challenge Statement of Claim CLICK HERE (pdf)


The Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 33 First Nations and more than 87,000 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.

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