“Increasing access to education is one key to empowering our First Nations”
-Grand Chief Jerry Daniels
ANISHINAABE AND DAKOTA TERRITORY, MB — The Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) is pleased to announce the recipients of our 2022-23 scholarships for First Nation students.
“Increasing access to education and supporting our youth are keys to empowering our First Nations,” said SCO Grand Chief Jerry Daniels. “Today, I’m congratulating all SCO citizens who received scholarships, I commend and appreciate your commitment to pursuing knowledge. I also want to take a moment to thank all donors and partners who have helped us raise funds to create these scholarships.”
SCO provides scholarships to 14 students each year that are awarded through Indspire, a national education charity. SCO has also established an endowed scholarship for students attending the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT), and newly created endowed scholarships at Brandon University and Red River College Polytech will be awarded for the first time in the fall of 2023. SCO is building endowed scholarships, which means the funds are invested and earn annual interest which provides funding to support students, each and every year.
Scholarship recipients must be a member of one of SCO’s 34 member Nations. The recipients must also be active in their community, either contributing to their school community or the community-at-large.
This year’s recipient from MITT is Keith Henry. Keith took part in MITT’s Carpentry Program and is a member of the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation.
“I would just like to thank the Southern Chiefs’ Organization for the scholarship because without it, I would never have been able to complete my program,” said Keith Henry. “Some First Nations people may feel they have missed their opportunity to get educated, or further their education. Some schools assist you with getting to the level you need to be. I had a classmate at MITT who was 65 and was looking to create change in their life. They did not have a valid grade 12 diploma and had to take summer courses for an updated grade 12 diploma. They got an updated grade 12 diploma and graduated with everyone in our class! It’s never too late to go to school and pursue dreams you might have had when you were younger. MITT is a great place to start, and I recommend taking a few courses to find out if it’s for you.”
The winners of our SCO Indspire scholarships are as follows:
• Shaylene Blomme of Sagkeeng is studying University 1 at the University of Manitoba
• Trechelle Bunn of Birdtail Sioux is studying Criminology at the University of Manitoba
• Tia Feroce of Ebb and Flow is studying Science at the University of Manitoba
• Kayla Horvath of Skownan is studying Social Work at the University of Manitoba
• Darlene Keeper of Little Grand Rapids is studying Social Work at the University of Manitoba
• Jolanda Kroll of Tootinaowaziibeeng is studying Rural Development at the Brandon University
• Stephanie Luna of Peguis is studying Education at the University of Winnipeg
• Paige Mayor from Peguis is studying to receive a Juris Doctor at the University of Manitoba
• Derek Mckay of Berens River is studying Information Technology at the Red River College of Applied Arts, Science & Technology
• Phoebi Moneyas of Hollow Water is studying Child and Family Services at Yellowquill College
• Loghan Puhach of Sandy Bay is studying Music Therapy at Canadian Mennonite University
• Persia Sibanda of Sagkeeng is studying Science at the University of Winnipeg
• Larissa Simpson of Pine Creek is studying Cosmetology at the Systems Beauty College Ltd.
• Andreas Thompson of Pinaymootang is studying Social Innovation and Community Development at Red River College of Applied Arts, Science & Technology
“Education is essential to the economic sovereignty of First Nations,” said
Chief Cornell McLean of the Lake Manitoba First Nation. “Providing scholarships to SCO citizens who are pursuing their education is important, to encourage and show support for their endeavours.”
Individuals can contribute to the scholarship funds by visiting: https://scoinc.mb.ca/scholarship-donations/
Our scholarships are funded in large part through our Annual Golf Tournament. We encourage you to attend this year’s tournament on August 17, 2023!
The Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 34 First Nations and more than 83,000 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.
For media inquiries:
Email: media@scoinc.mb.ca