Alexis Anderson
Pinaymootang First Nation
On loan from Alexis Anderson
Alexis Anderson (she/her) is an Anishinaabe and Swampy Cree artist from Pinaymootang First Nation, and is currently based in Treaty No. 1 Territory. She has been learning the craft of beadwork since 2020, and loves to bead florals. Alexis is inspired by the land she grew up on, her family, and her Anishinaabe and Cree roots.
Sharon Hall
Pinaymootang First Nation
On loan from Sharon Hall
“I paint the images I receive in my dreams, messages from my visions and stories of the past, present, and future. I paint pure images symbolic of the deeper, emotional side of my life; reflecting my spiritual feelings towards my people. This is a gift that has been passed on to me. Part of my process, as an artist, is to understand and respect these gifts that I have received… I paint images of what I feel about myself, my people, and my ancestors.”
“Onji’aawasowinan: Traditional Anishinaabe Teachings”
Carol Beaulieu (editor), Sarah Brazauskas (illustrator)
Long Plain First Nation, Pinaymootang First Nation, Swan Lake First Nation
The Manitoba Museum
This colouring book contains the Anishinaabe Onjiaawasowinan or ‘do’s and don’ts’, and teachings gathered during a language conference by Anishinaabe participants from various regions of the continent. They found that despite regional distinctions and dialects, they all shared common teachings and ‘do’s and don’ts’ learned from childhood, such as refraining from whistling at night or pointing at others.