Southern Chiefs’ Organization is concerned by the new of the altercation that took place this past weekend at the SERDC Hockey Tournament.
February 13, 2017 PDF (follow link for official note)
We are really concerned by the news of the altercation and needless disruption over the weekend at the Southeast Tribal Days Hockey Tournament. Our seven teachings, one of which is Love comes to mind at this tragic event among our people here in Southern Manitoba. Zaa Gii Dik means to love one another and we are encouraging all those affected to exercise love as a means of adjusting to the trauma experienced recently by our friends and families.
Grand Chief Jerry Daniels offers his prayers and his commitment to stand united with Southeast Tribal Council. Furthermore, he acknowledges the need for trauma support and as such, SERDC management is following up by engaging a community health crisis team to provide counseling and support to children and family members who may have been impacted by the incident.