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First Nation Fall 2020 School Re-Entry Information

September 19, 2020

During these uncertain times of learning to live with the reality of COVID-19, First Nation schools are taking are taking an abundance of caution to ensure the safety of students in a way that does not disrupt their education.  Below are the re-opening plans for schools in southern Manitoba that has information available.

Note: Planning may be adjusted at any time based upon school locations and other factors. We will continue to update this page as new information becomes available.

Schools that are re-opening:

Several SCO communities re-opened their schools and allowed students back into the classroom part-time on September 8, 2020, in classes no larger than 15. These communities included:

Berens River First Nation
Black River First Nation
Bloodvein First Nation
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Dakota Plains First Nation
Dauphin River First Nation
O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation (For high school students)
Pine Creek First Nation (Sep. 8 for Gr. N & 9 to 12 alternating days; Sep. 14 for Gr. K-8 with alternating days)

Schools that will Remain Virtual:

Other communities have opted to remain closed and do not plan to open their schools for the fall term, instead offering classes virtually, with paper and learning packages being mailed out to students. These communities include:

Hollow Water First Nation
Lake Manitoba First Nation
Lake St. Martin First Nation
Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation

Delayed School Starts:

Peguis First Nation Leadership has postponed the start date for students of Peguis Central School.  Grade 7 to 12 students began classes on September 21 during the afternoon hours, while Kindergarten to Grade 6 students will begin Monday, October 5 for the morning hours.

Pinaymootang First Nation and Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation have delayed school start dates to later in September but will welcome students back in-person on a staggered basis.

Ebb and Flow First Nation will provide blended learning for students at their K-12 school, starting Sept. 21, 2020.  Students will return on alternating days and there will be temperature checks on the school bus and Plexiglas shields between desks.

Other communities that returned September 21 with alternating days for all grades include:

Birdtail Sioux First Nation
Skownan First Nation

For more information on your school division’s re-entry plans, visit the Province’s COVID-19 school division page: