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About SCO

About Southern Chiefs’ Organization Inc.

Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) represents 33 Anishinaabe and Dakota Nations in what is now southern Manitoba, and more than 87,000 citizens. SCO was established in March 1999.

Mission Statement

We, the Chiefs of the Southern First Nations of Manitoba, hereby agree to establish an independent political forum to protect, preserve, promote, and enhance First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.


The Southern Chiefs’ Organization is established:

1.1 to assist members First Nations in the advancement and achievement of their goals as mandated by the Chiefs meeting in Summit;

1.2 to provide a common front for initiatives mandated by the Chiefs meeting in Summit;

1.3 to promote and assist member First Nations in providing good government for their First Nations;

1.4 to assist member First Nations in promoting and defending Treaty and Aboriginal rights as mandated by the Chiefs in Summit;

1.5 to assist member First Nations in holding the Crown, and holding the Federal and Provincial governments responsible for the fulfillment of their fiduciary duties and other responsibilities and obligations.

Read more by downloading our SCO Constitution and Accord (PDF)

SCO represents the following First Nations:

Berens River First Nation

Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation

Black River First Nation

Bloodvein First Nation

Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

Buffalo Point First Nation

Canupawakpa Dakota Nation

Dakota Plains Wahpeton Nation

Dauphin River First Nation

Ebb and Flow First Nation

Gambler First Nation

Hollow Water First Nation

Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation

Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation

Lake Manitoba First Nation

Lake St. Martin First Nation

Little Grand Rapids First Nation

Little Saskatchewan First Nation

Long Plain First Nation

O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation

Pauingassi First Nation

Peguis First Nation

Pinaymootang First Nation

Pine Creek First Nation

Poplar River First Nation

Rolling River First Nation

Roseau River Anishinaabe First Nation

Sagkeeng Anicinabe First Nation

Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation

Skownan First Nation

Swan Lake First Nation

Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve

Waywayseecappo First Nation

If you’d like to see where each First Nation is located, please visit our interactive map.