The Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) has compiled a list of events coming up for Red Dress Day in Manitoba. If we missed any, please email details to:
Red Dress Day is a day that is aimed to raise awareness about the ongoing crisis and devastating impacts of the national emergency of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two spirit, and gender-diverse people.
SCO honours and remembers the all those who have lost their lives due to gender-based violence, and their families and the Nations that live with the grief of losing loved ones.
SCO has created this webpage to share information about events happening in SCO member Nations, online, and in Brandon, Portage la Prairie, and Winnipeg.
SCO Nations
May 3: Ebb and Flow First Nation
Healing and Wellness Walk starts from the school at 10:30 am. All community members welcome. Red shirts will be provided. Wear your ribbon skirts and/or ribbon shirts. BBQ following the walk.
May 3: Sagkeeng Anicinabe First Nation’s Red Dress March is postponed.
May 6: Sandy Bay First Nation
MMIWM Awareness Walk from 10 am to 2 pm. The walk is open to everyone. There will be a trailer for Elders to ride on. The walk starts at Highway 50 and goes to the complex. First Nation Security Officers will lead the walk. Lunch will be provided. Wear red and/or ribbon skirts/shirts in honour of missing and murdered Indigenous women and men.
Online Events
May 3: The Office of the Treaty Commissioner is holding an MMIWG Session from 2 to 3 pm online. This educational presentation will feature guest speaker Eliabeth Zdunich. This is an online Zoom session. Find more information here.
Brandon Events
May 5: March from City Hall to Princess Park from 1 to 3 pm.
May 5: Honouring Red Dress Day from 1 to 3 pm at Park Community Centre in Brandon. A fire will be lit to honour our loved ones and those impacted by this national tragedy. Opening ceremony at 1 pm with a feast to follow. Red dress pin teachings. All materials will be available for anyone who wants to make a faceless doll. Everyone is welcome.
May 6: The Indigenous Peoples’ Centre is hosting an event at 11 am by the ceremonial fire pit to honour missing & murdered Indigenous women and girls. The Indigenous Peoples’ Centre will be hosting an awareness rally to honor Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirit people. There will be a ceremonial fire, picket signs, red dress display, prayers, songs, and stories from people who have been impacted by violence against women.
Portage la Prairie Events
May 5: Red Dress Day Walk of Remembrance and Advocacy for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two Spirit people. Starting at 10 am at the Portage la Prairie Culture Space on Pelechaty Drive and Brandon Avenue on Island Park. Come together to honour and remember those we have lost. Wear red in solidarity and walk to raise awareness and advocate for justice. Stand together and show support for those who have been impacted by this ongoing crisis. All are welcome.
Winnipeg Events
May 3: Red River Polytechnic’s pow wow will feature a Red Dress Special at its 23rd Annual Pow Wow to honour Indigenous graduates and Indigenous student academic achievement! Please join this celebration of the students. The annual pow wow is an opportunity to dance, drum, sing, eat, connect, and participate in ceremony. The event takes place at the Notre Dame Campus, North Gym. Pipe ceremony at 10 am, grand entry at noon, honouring Indigenous graduates at 2 pm, and feast at 4:30 pm. Dancers and drum groups can register at the Registration Table on the morning of the event. Attendees don’t need to register ahead of time.
May 3: There is an event in honour of MMIWG2S+ at the Neeginan Centre at 181 Higgins Avenue in Winnipeg. The event runs from 11 am to 3 pm in the Rotunda. There will be crafts, hand drum singers, smudging, and lunch is being provided.
Sunday, May 5: The University of Winnipeg is hosting a Red Dress Special at its 19th Annual Graduation Pow Wow on May 5 at the Duckworth Centre, 400 Spence Street, Winnipeg. Pipe ceremony at 11 am, grand entry at 12:30 pm, and feast at 5 pm. This annual traditional pow wow provides an opportunity to honour the work of students, staff, faculty, and the community that has made it possible for students to be successful. All dancers, singers, and spectators are welcome to join the celebration of the achievement of Indigenous graduates. There is no cost to attend, and all are welcome, including all Veterans.
May 5: Event at 12 noon starting at the Oodena Circle at The Forks: In solidarity with the families of MMIWG2S+ in commemorating Red Dress Day, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs is providing a free hot dog feast with speakers, drummers, and dancers. Hear from community members about the importance of this day in honouring those who have been taken too soon and those who are still searching for loved ones. Bring your drums and rattles and wear red.
May 5: Feast at the MMIWG Monument at the Forks at 5 pm
May 5: Fourth Annual MMIWG2S+ Walk for Justice at 6 pm, starts at Oodena Circle at The Forks: Everyone is invited to remember those that are no longer here, to the families that have lost loved ones and to the Survivors who can share their story. This prayer and awareness walk is dedicated to those families and is an all-inclusive and family-friendly event.