Pathways to Healing Program

The Pathways to Healing Program provides support, information, advocacy, and systems navigation for southern First Nations citizens.

Finding our Spirits Gathering: April 2024

A huge miigwetch, pidamiye, thank you to all the Sixties Scoop Survivors who joined the Southern Chiefs’ Organiztion and the Anish Corporation at the Finding Our Spirits Gathering.

We were honoured to meet you all and share this together.

Survey for First Nations Citizens impacted by the Sixties Scoop

The Sixties Scoop, also known as “The Scoop,” was a period in which a series of federal and provincial policies were enacted in Canada that enabled child welfare authorities to take thousands of First Nation children from their families and Nations for placement in foster and adoptive homes.

SCO’s survey has 10 to 15 questions and should take not more than 15 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary. SCO is not collecting identifying information as part of this survey and all responses are confidential.

The survey for those impacted by the Sixties Scoop is online until June 10, 2024. Those who wish to complete the survey can find it here:

The Pathways to Healing Program has the following focus areas:

Advocate and coordinate for community supports

The program provides supports, system navigation, and advocacy to families and Survivors of:

  • Residential schools and day schools;
  • the Sixties Scoop and child welfare system; and
  • the national emergency of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two spirit, and gender-diverse people (MMIWG2S+).

Our liaisons are ready to assist and advocate for families interacting with various colonial systems, and to help in the coordination of gatherings while providing emotional support to Survivors and their families.

Pathways to Healing Fund

This fund provides grants to our member Nations to host events, gatherings and/or ceremonies to honour Survivors and their families of the residential and day schools, Sixties Scoop, child welfare system and MMIWG2s+. Please see information below.

This webpage provides information on:

Why the program exists

At the direction of the Chiefs of the southern First Nations, SCO created this program to help address and respond to the devastating effects of colonial practices that we see in our families and First Nations. Those impacted by residential and day schools, the national emergency of MMIWG2S+, the Sixties Scoop, and the child welfare system have faced the brunt of colonialism and adverse effects on the health and wellbeing.

How the team can help

The Pathways to Healing Program liaisons can provide information, advocacy, systems navigation, and referrals to help you access the programs, services, and support you need. They can provide you with information and programs and connect you with services.

What can I expect when I ask for help?

You will speak with one of our liaisons who can best help you. We will ask you general questions to learn more about your situation.

From there, our liaisons will support and guide you to the most appropriate services and programs.

If there are obstacles, barriers, or other issues in accessing services, we will advocate to assist you in getting the support you need.

SCO’s work on the issue of MMIWG2S+

SCO has been a Manitoba Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Coalition partner since its inception and is one of the signatories to the Coalition as a Party with Standing before the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

The 231 Calls for Justice stemming from the National Inquiry’s final report are legal imperatives rooted in Canada’s obligations under international and domestic human rights law.

Gagannaawenimaanaanig (MMIWG2SLGBTQQIA+) & the Canada Wide Emergency

GIGANAWENIMAANAANIG (“we all take care of them”) is the name of the Manitoba MMIWG2S+ Implementation Committee. SCO is a founding member of this committee.

SCO has been an active member and supported the work of GIGANAWENIMAANAANIG through planning and coordinating various events.

SCO staff members also assist with grassroots efforts to honour and remember all those impacted by the tragedy of MMIWG2S+, such as though community walks, memorials, and other events.

SCO supported the passing of the motion by the House of Commons to declare the deaths and disappearances of Indigenous women and girls a Canada-wide emergency on May 3, 2023. This declaration calls for funding of a new “Red Dress Alert,” which would be a system to alert the public when someone goes missing,

Looking back at the Survivors’ Healing Gathering 2023 – Mino-si-toon Wichozani

Miigwetch, pidamiye, and thank you to the 550 Survivors from more than 79 First Nations who joined us in February 2023 for our first annual Survivors’ Healing Gathering! Survivors came together to learn, share, and heal together over two days.

In Anishinaabemowin, the word “Mino-si-toon” means “putting things right” or “doing things in a good way.” In Dakota, the word “Wichozani” means “healing.” SCO thanks the Elders and Survivors involved in the planning for sharing these words with us. SCO is using these two words together to indicate our movement forward in our lives and that we are putting things in a good way on our healing journey.

There were panel discussions and information sessions on topics including:

  • reclaiming our traditional teachings
  • how to access child and family services files for Sixties Scoop Survivors
  • presentations on harm reduction and grief and loss
  • Elder and Grandmother teachings
  • language workshop
  • medicine bag and medicine doll making as well as orange shirt and red dress beading workshops
  • cedar baths
  • reiki and massage therapy
  • pipe and water ceremonies

Contact Us

Angie Hutchinson, Pathways to Healing Program Lead
Telephone: 204.946.1869
Toll Free: 1.866.876.9701

Anna Huard, MMIWG2S+ Liaison
Telephone: 204.946.1869
Toll Free: 1.866.876.9701

Martina Fisher, IRS/IDS Liaison
Telephone: 204.946.1869
Toll Free: 1.866.876.9701

Nadine Swartout, Sixties Scoop & Child Welfare System Liaison
Telephone: 204.946.1869
Toll Free: 1.866.876.9701