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Take Part in the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Two Spirit, and Gender-Diverse

October 3, 2023


ANISHINAABE AND DAKOTA TERRITORY, MB — The Giganawenimaanaanig (the Manitoba MMIWG2S+ Implementation Committee) is organizing a special event in Winnipeg to recognize the Provincial Day of Awareness and Education and the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Two Spirit, and Gender-Diverse People (MMIWG2S+) on October 4, 2023.

“The provincial and national days recognizing our sacred relatives provides us with the opportunity to honour and brings awareness to fact that the thousands of Indigenous women, girls, two spirit, and gender-diverse people have been subjected to gender-based violence in Canada,” said Sandra DeLaronde of the Giganawenimaanaanig.

Advocates for MMIWG2S+ continue to focus on bringing light to this issue in order to create change. The event on October 4 provides an opportunity for impacted individuals, as well as allies, to come together in support of ending this national emergency.

The emcees for the day’s activities will be Tina Keeper and Levi Foy. There will be an opening pipe and water drum ceremony, lighting of the qulliq, a welcome song from the Dakota Travellers drum group from Birdtail Sioux First Nation and Metis fiddler Jason Lepine; a presentation on Manitoba’s database of MMIWG2S+, a free lunch; a panel discussion on Universal Basic Income; and a discussion on the Red Dress Alert hosted by Sheila North.

The day’s proceedings are rounded out with a reception from 5 to 7pm with Senator Michele Audette, former Commissioner of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls which will be hosted by the Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO).

All activities are taking place at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, with the option to attend online. The event is free for all to attend and some space is still available.

“Earlier this year, we were pleased to see a unanimous motion made in Parliament recognizing the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two spirit, and gender-diverse people as a national emergency,” shared SCO Grand Chief Jerry Daniels. “This motion also supported the creation of a Red Dress Alert System to help alert the public when an Indigenous woman, girl, or two spirit person goes missing. It is essential to see progress made in these areas to help keep our relatives safe.”

“As we head into a provincial election, I want to urge all those who are elected today to work on an urgent basis to end this national emergency,” said Sandra DeLaronde. “On October 4, we will continue to call for justice on the issue of MMIWG2S+, to honour our loved ones, and to make space for those impacted by this national crisis to reclaim their power. All are welcome to join us. Stand with us as we continue to call on all levels of government to work to implement the 231 Calls for Justice that resulted from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.”

For anyone who requires immediate emotional support, please call the national, independent toll free 24/7 support line at 1-844-413-6649 to speak to a counsellor. This service is available in English, Anishnaabemowin, and Cree.


For more information, contact:

Anna Huard


Phone: 204-946-1869

Sandra DeLaronde


Phone: 204-806-0134