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Indigenous Veterans Day Events 2023

October 30, 2023

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization is pleased to share information about upcoming activities taking place in southern Manitoba leading up to and taking place on Indigenous Veterans Day 2023, which takes place on November 8, 2023.

Please note that some First Nations choose to host ceremonies on other dates. The information listed below is correct at the time of posting.

To add an event or update information on this page, email:

SCO is sharing information about events taking place in:

  • Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, November 7 starting at 10 am
  • Long Plain First Nation, November 8 starting at 11 am
  • Winnipeg, November 8 starting at 10 am

See below for more details.

Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, November 7

From 10 am to 1 pm at the Private Tom Chief Memorial Hall.

Everyone is welcome.

A light lunch will be served following the ceremony.

Long Plain First Nation, November 8

Aboriginal Veteran’s Day Pow Wow starts at 11 am at the Keeshkeemaquah Conference and Gaming Centre.

There are honourariums for all dancers and drum groups.

Everyone is welcome.

For more information, call: 204-856-1221

Winnipeg, November 8

A ceremony is taking place at the Neeginan Centre Rotunda at 181 Higgins Avenue in Winnipeg.

Guests are invited to arrive at 10 am with the ceremony starting at 10:30 am.

A light lunch will be served following the ceremony.

Please join the students of the Aboriginal Community Campus for a ceremony in honour of Indigenous Veteran’s Day.

For more information, call Shawn at: 204-989-7123