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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Events 2023

September 1, 2023

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization is pleased to share information about upcoming activities taking place across Manitoba leading up to and taking place on the 2023 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. Please note that September 30 is also known as Orange Shirt Day.

To add an event or update information on this page, email:

September 25 to 29: Free lunch and learn sessions

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is offering free, virtual lunch and learn sessions leading up to the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation.

The daily, 50-minute sessions will feature a variety of speakers and give Canadians the opportunity to ask questions and engage in conversation.

Topics include:

  • September 25: Indigenous peoples and the history of residential schools
  • September 26: Unconscious bias and debunking stereotypes
  • September 27: Intergenerational impacts and ongoing systemic discrimination
  • September 28: Indigenous peoples’ rights and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • September 29: Taking action toward reconciliation

To learn more and sign up for these sessions, visit:

September 25 to 30: Every Child Matters Ride

Waywayseecappo First Nation, Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation, and Sioux Valley Dakota Nation are hosting an Every Child Matters Ride leading up to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Everyone is invited to join the ride. Horses, walkers, runners, and wagons are welcome. The legs of the ride are as follows:

  • September 25: Waywayseecappo First Nation to Birtle Residential School. 10:00 am Breakfast. Ceremony and blessing the ride begins at 11:00 am.
  • September 26: Birtle Residential School to Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation. 12:00 pm feed the children. The ride begins at 1:00 pm.
  • September 27: Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation to Elkhorn Residential School. 12:00 pm feed the children. The ride begins at 1:00 pm.
  • September 28: Elkhorn Residential School to Sioux Valley Dakota Nation. 12:00 pm feed the children. The ride begins at 1:00 pm.
  • September 29: Sioux Valley Dakota Nation to Grand Valley Park. 12:00 pm feed the children. The ride begins at 1:00 pm.
  • September 30: Grand Valley Park to Brandon Residential School.

For more information or to view the event poster, visit:

September 26 to October 1: Brandon Truth and Reconciliation Week

The Riverbank Discovery Centre in Brandon, Manitoba, is holding various events for the week of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on their grounds.

  • September 26: Sunrise ceremony, flag raising, tipi teaching and raising, and sacred fire teaching with Tim Bone
  • September 27: The Land as a Teacher with Aaron McKay
  • September 28: The Orange Shirt Story story time and conversation with residential school Survivors; Two Eyed Seeing, drone, tech, and traditional wisdom with Adam Subject and Darby Essie
  • September 29: Traditional foods and medicine with Eugene Ross
  • September 30: Teaching on Orange Shirt Day and What is Truth and Reconciliation, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation introduction and Survivors’ stories, Orange Shirt Day Walk followed by food and refreshments, Healing by the River event
  • October 1: Kairos blanket exercise, and closing ceremony, including speeches and a feast

To learn more about these activities, see the event poster:

September 29

Community Gathering: Hollow Water First Nation

Hollow Water is hosting a community gathering and BBQ on the school grounds on September 29th to mark the National Day.  Starts at 11 am at Wanipigow School.

Community Gathering: Bloodvein First Nation

Bloodvein First Nation is hosting a community gathering on September 29th to mark the National Day. Starts at 10 am at Miskooseepi School.

Community Gathering: Waywayseecappo School

The Waywayseecappo School is hosting an Orange Shirt Day Walk. Meet at the school at 2 pm.

September 30

Reconciliation Run: Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation

The 2023 Reconciliation Run will take place on September 30.
The run, which is 21.1 kilometres in length, will start at 8 am at the ruins of the original former Birtle Residential School, and conclude on Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation.
Once all participants have made it back to Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation, community members, volunteers, and participants are invited to a community gathering/feast.
For more information, visit:

National Truth and Reconciliation Pow Wow

The Sagkeeng Health Centre is holding a pow wow from 12 to 7 pm on September 30 at the Sagkeeng Anicinabe First Nation pow wow arbour to honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Youth will lead the grand entry with residential school Survivors.

There will be a community feast at 4 pm. Orange shirts will be available.

All dancers will receive an honourarium and drums are asked to register.

Click here to view the event poster.

For more information, contact Cheryl Bird or Donna Sais at 204-367-9990.

Swan Lake First Nation Truth and Reconciliation Mini Pow Wow

Swan Lake First Nation is holding a mini Truth and Reconciliation pow wow on Saturday, September 30. This event is open to the public and all visitors are welcome.

The grand entry will begin at 1 pm. There will be honourariums for dancers and singers.

Click here to view the event poster.

For more information, contact Angie Walker at 204-526-4218 or Caitlin Kennedy at 204-526-4243.

One Dance – One Feast – Many Nations

Healing Dance of Reconciliation: September 30 at the National Indigenous Residential School Museum of Canada, Long Plain First Nation

The National Indigenous Residential School Museum of Canada is hosting its annual Orange Shirt Day Event on September 30, 2023: the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Join the honour walk starting at 9:30 am from Portage la Prairie’s city hall at 97 Saskatchewan Avenue.

Walk with a group to the Residential School Museum at the Long Plain First Nation urban reserve at 5000 Crescent Road West, Keeshkeemaqauh near Portage La Prairie.

From 10:30 am to 4:40 pm, the museum will host its program and provide food and entertainment.

This event is free for all to attend.

Wa-Say Healing Centre 3rd Annual Orange Shirt Day Survivors’ Walk and Pow Wow: Winnipeg

The largest gathering in Manitoba to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation gets underway on September 30th at 11:00 am.
Participants are asked to meet at the Oodena Celebration Circle at the Forks. The walk will then make its way through downtown Winnipeg to the Canada Life Centre for the Orange Shirt Day Pow Wow.
For more information, visit:

Day of Reflection Sacred Fire and Gathering

The Anish Corporation, Manito Ahbee Festival, and the 60s Scoop Legacy of Canada are holding a sacred fire, ceremonies, singing and more St. John’s Park (1201 Main Street) in Winnipeg from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on September 30.

The is event is open to the public and all are welcome. Bring your own chairs. Drums and tipis welcome.

White Horse Ranch will be on site with the Sunka Wakan – sacred horses.

Click here to see the event poster.

For more information, email